I had an unusual session with Lydia last night. It was mostly focused on piercing, which certainly isn’t unusual, as anyone who has read my past session posts will know. What was different about this one was that no bondage was involved. I don’t think I can remember the last time that happened. We typically don’t make bondage a focus, but it’s almost always in the mix somewhere. In this case I was lying, sitting and standing at different times, but never restrained.
The psychological effect it created surprised me. It made our play feel more intimate. Practically speaking, based on what got stuck into which body parts, it was no different to many past sessions. It wasn’t like we were physically closer than usual, or interacted particularly differently. Yet it seems that bondage has a much stronger objectifying aspect than I’d previously realized. Someone tied down is being acted on, even if they agreed to be there. Being free to move but choosing not to triggered a sense of cooperation, which in turn created togetherness and intimacy.
This may be old news to many of you, but it was a surprising revelation to me. I always thought bondage was a fun addition to a scene. I never realized that taking it away could also add to the experience.
I’m afraid I don’t have a source for this image. There’s no bondage, but I always find being grabbed by the throat is a very intimate yet controlling act.
Mmm – super hot. I love a bit of bondage, but occasionally I find the hottest thing is being put into a position and told to just hold it – no restraint, other than my own desire to please =)
I’ve done position holding before, and I agree it is pretty hot. Mental bondage I’ve heard it called. This scene was a little different, as there was no particular position to stay in. I just had to be in needle sticking range, and not try and escape 🙂 The fact I ended up lying on a bunch of the piercings (with the needles still in place) made it particularly interesting!