
One particular strand of femdom thinking that’s rarely featured here is Gynecocracy or Matriarchy. That’s not because I’m a big fan of the current patriarchy – and certainly not the very specific patriarch we find ourselves with at the moment. It’s because femdom with gynecocracy typically seems to fall into two camps: The silly and the annoying.

The silly one is the one written by men with one hand in their pants. It seems to assume that once women are in power, they’ll all want to spend an inordinate amount of time dressing in exciting leather outfits, brandishing whips and bossing naked men around. They might do horrible things to the men, but it’ll all be done in a sexily cruel kind of way. Castration may be required, but don’t worry, big buxom nurses in tight outfits will be handling the snip.

The annoying one is the version that simple asserts every household would be better off with a woman in charge. Apparently inside every woman is a domme waiting to get out and take charge. And if she seems unsure about that, it’s the mans job to explain it to her, and insist that she knows best. Or I guess insist that he knows best that she knows best. It all gets a bit recursive at that point.

Personally, I’m all for egalitarianism at a societal level, with local variations of power and control negotiated on a case by case basis. However, if you genuinely harbor Gynarchy fantasies, may I direct your attention to this post by a radical feminist on her version of a women led society. Sexy femdom fun it is not. At first glance it seems like a joke, but judging by the rest of the blog, I think it’s meant to be taken seriously. Kind of ironic that in a post that’s supposed to extol the virtue of female leadership, she puts forward an approach that makes Stalin or Hitler look like models of restrained and sensible governance. Fortunately, she wants to euthanize all the pornographers, so I guess I’ll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

I think this image represents something from the silly camp. It’s Olga Schoberova in the role of Ayesha ruler of Kuma from the Hammer movie ‘The Vengeance of She‘.

Thanks to this ErosBlog post for directing me to the radical feminist blog. Certainly made for some eye opening reading.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

7 thoughts on “Gynecocracy”

  1. I read the article to which you make reference. The author is a “misandrist”, who relegates men to nothingness except to be used for the odd bit of procreation after age 10 or so. In her full man hating mode she is as ugly as any misogynist.
    On to my comment: There is a modest matriarchal society in western China called the Mosuo, at least there used to be, even in Mao’s day and before. It has been suppressed off and on by the CCP. Sorry I could only find one useful references to it on the net. All property is held matrelineally. Most business is overseen by the women, and the men are in charge of the political and the religious affairs. All men live in their mother’s family group, and women from other groups are free to chose any of the men to sleep with. However, the woman must walk to the residence of the man to make her selection (or maybe go to the local pool hall and make a choice – No kidding) the men then go off to be “used” presumably, but must return to their family group before dawn of their selection day to the family home after they have been “used”. More often than not, children won’t know who their fathers are. Everyone seems to get along, and the whole arrangement is very socialistic with men being relatively second class citizens because of the inheritance rules which are all matrilineal as i mentioned.
    In today’s modern world, I think it is now obvious that a woman’s financial independence is one pf the real basic keys towards full gender equality along with equal political rights. (which I fully support) The whole idea of matriarchal societies is interesting. Unfortunately BDSM doesn’t seem to have found its way into such societies. Oh well…….. 🙁 Have a good one)

    1. The Musuo society is really interesting. I’ve heard of them before, but not really read up on them properly. Wikipedia has some good detail, but I’m not sure how much I trust that! Seems like a good thing to investigate further, so thanks for the pointer and background information.

      And yes, the article I linked to is horrible. She’s definitely a misandrist. I linked to it just for the crazy contrast between the sexy femdom fantasy and the totalitarian nuttiness it embodies.


      1. The “current patriarchy” is as much a fantasy as a possible matriarchy or gynecocracy. It does not exist. The difference is that it is taken seriously by people who think this is still the 19th century. FemDom should not be mixed with politics.

        1. I think femdom can be mixed with whatever people choose to mix it with. And I’m damn sure I’ll mix it with whatever I want on my blog.


  2. As soon as I read that last paragraph before your graphic, I had a chill because I just… somehow… knew it.

    Witchwind had reached legendary status among the TERF and other radical feminist-watching crowd.

    “This isn’t your run-of-the-mill tumblr SJW. This isn’t even your Dworkins or Sarkeesians, who manage to combine their crazy with actually doing something. This is Witchwind.

    It’s always Witchwind. Like the ice beneath the driven snow, she lies festering in her own madness, always there beneath the quorum of the less insane who surround her. She is Ulasht, the Hate-Seed, denier of truth and of nature itself in defense of such non sequitur dogma.

    Several times her and her ilk have found their wordpress blogs found here, but even through paragraphs of vitriolic bigotry, idiocy, and general nonsense, we have barely scratched the surface of the unseen enigma that is their mind: a dark place of ignorance, confusion, and unending loathing for an entire half of the world’s population.

    There have always been her kind, but never until the advent of mass information and the internet could they so thrive. It’s ironic, almost, that an invention meant to spread knowledge and understanding has instead led to the continuous repetition of disinformation and pathos-fueled rants that wax philosophical in the most vile of ways.

    Luckily, I formed a support group for her inevitable return to this site: R.A.W. S.E.X. (Redditors Against Witchwind; Support and Exchange).”

    From: Women are brainwashed into having sex with men.

    Anyway, you get a gold star for the HHGTTG reference.

    1. I’m amused that you knew who I was talking about before you clicked the link. I guess in some way that’s a credit to Witchwind. She has reached a certain level of infamy. To her credit it looks like her posts gather a lot of comments and positive feedback. It’s easy to be a nutty person online with insane opinions. It’s way harder to get a vibrant community commenting and discussing your thoughts. She must be striking some sort of nerve.

      I actually had to go back and read my post to figure out what the HHGTTG reference was. It wasn’t a conscious thing. Those books are so ingrained into my cultural frame of reference, I’m not even sure when I’m quoting them now. Apart from when I say something is good enough for me and Ethel and the chickens. Then everyone tends to look confused until I give the context. Actually, they still look confused, but at least it’s now somebody else’s problem (SEP).


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