The relationship between webmaster and website should be a D/s one. I issue clear instructions, and it should quietly and efficiently comply. Unfortunately, if my site is a submissive, it’s an exceptionally bratty one. My instructions are mere suggestions, and it never misses a chance to test my patience. Given the amount of time I spend tending to its needs, it’s possible I’m actually the submissive here.
Back in May last year I thought I’d finally fixed the issue of comments containing ‘naughty’ words getting blocked or failing to post. It turns out that at some point in the last few months, my site decided it’d delete all the fixes I’d made and reset the relevant files. I’ve no idea when that happened, and I apologize if any comments got eaten. I’ve now re-applied the changes, hopefully for good. So please feel free to leave comments on posts. They should go through without issues now. If do run into problems please email me and I’ll give the site a damn good thrashing (Basil style) for its impertinence.
Talking of comments, I have to give a shout out to Bacchus at ErosBlog for this amazing comment. I sometimes play amateur detective when trying to track down an image attribution, but he’s doing some Sherlock Holmes level shit to track a random image I found on tumblr to the clip it came from. Check out his Patreon if you’d like to utilize his mad skills for tracing interesting content that you care about.
I’ll finish with some artwork that’s easy to attribute. This is from Yumine Guo, producer of much fine femdom art. After all my tinkering with it today, I’m just hoping my webserver isn’t quietly thinking the same thing this lady is.