These pages gather together some of the best and most interesting femdom drawings and femdom artists that I’ve discovered. My goal is not to create a definitive femdom art guide, but instead a kind of ‘jumping off’ point for further exploration. Hopefully, it’ll be useful for anyone looking for additional material on specific femdom artists, as well as for anyone looking for new artwork in particular styles or fetishes.
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If you can read German then this imagefap gallery has the scans with the original text. Alternatively the femdom artists site has a category devoted to him or her.
More of his femdom works can be found at the femdom artist site. There are also several imagefap galleries available here, here and a particularly large one here. Note however, all the imagefap galleries also include a lot of his M/f work.
Kami Tora (Paper Tiger) produces a wide variety of fantastic artwork. He covers subjects such as spanking, bondage, futanari and of course femdom. A lot of his work features teenagers, and his femdom illustrations tend to have a lot of teasing and denial, along with some fairly serious punishment and anal play.
He’s often described as an anime artist, but for me a lot of his work straddles the ground between the typical exaggerated anime style and a more realistic traditional western approach. I particularly like the fact that he tends to portray the women as enjoying the torments they’re inflicting! No surly mistresses scowling at their unhappy slaves.
If you want more he has a fan club site and his own web site. There’s also a lot of content on imagefap, for example this gallery, so I’d suggest hunting around on that site. The g-ehentai site also has a number of galleries, for example this one, so that’s another good place to look. Finally, if you’re interested in the man himself, there’s an interview with the artist on the cherry red site.
He maintains a blog called Underling’s Humberlings where you can catch up with all his latest work, including some spanking stories to go with his drawings. If you’re interested to read about his inspiration and work style there’s an interview at the carmenica diaz site. Finally there’s a collection of his work at the spanking art wiki site. He doesn’t currently have a huge number of published drawings, but as he’s still actively creating new work, we’ll hopefully see much more from him in the years ahead.
The best source for his images is his tumblr site. That contains mostly his work along with a few other images that catch his eye. There’s also a gallery of his work on the g.e-hentai site.
He maintains a blog (written in French) which features both his work and related photographs. The femdom artists site has carried some of his F/m images in a number of posts as has the Carmenica Diaz site. A gallery of mostly spanking shots is hosted here and there’s an imagefap gallery of his femdom work here.
Whizzer Black
The femdom artists site has a good collection of his work, available in three posts here, here and here. He also has a yahoo group, although there doesn’t appear to be a great deal of activity or recent material there.
Kimberly Wilder
Her drawings are all rendered in pencil, and vary in quality from evocative but simple rough sketches to very detailed and beautifully developed pieces. Sadly I can’t find any biographical detail on the artist herself. The erotic artist site has a collection of drawings in two galleries. Image fap has probably the best collection of her work, spread between three galleries available here, here and here.
John Willie
For biographical information there are pages both in wikipedia and the spanking art wiki. There’s also a lengthy article on him in Salon magazine. There are some cover illustrations from his Bizzare Magazine available in posts here and here. The g.e-hentai site has two of his most famous comic series – The Adventures of Sweet Gwendoline and Gwendoline and the ‘Missing Princess’. The image fap site has several collections of his drawings, including this one and this one. Willie was also one of the first artists to use live models as a basis for his bondage drawings and this gallery carries a number of the photographs he took.
In my opinion xrenderer is one of the finer femdom artists working in the 3D rendering style. His pictures have a softer, delicate and more organic feel than is typically found in these kind of computer generated images. And he has an excellent eye for composing an interesting scene, using enough detail and subtle touches to make it realistic while still keeping the focus on the central mistress/slave interaction.
Unfortunately I’ve so far failed to find a good definitive source for his work. There used to be some at the renderotica site, but that appears to have been removed. There’s an imagefap gallery and a g.e-hentai gallery, both of which have a small collection of his images. If you know of an official site for this artist, or of any other locations where his work is available, then please let me know.
Shohei Yamashiro
I’m afraid I don’t know too much about this artist. From just looking at the artwork he’s obviously very talented, with a unique and distinctive style. The drawings have a lush rich feel to them, and I think he captures the tactile nature of the fetish elements (leather, latex, etc.) perfectly. He illustrates a wide variety of femdom techniques, including strap-on play, smothering, trampling, whipping, cbt, etc.
His main site is called slug on leather and includes a number of galleries. Note that you need to click the various categories in the box top right to see the various image sets. He also has a flickr stream. I believe he also produced work under the name Workshop L. I. and what looks like an older collection of work is available here.
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