The session described below was conceived, implemented and captured on camera by Lady Lydia. As always I just had to turn up and do as I was told. And in this case, try not to scream to loudly. For anyone wanting to try this at home, I should warn you the sensations involved are very intense and the pain is quite a hard type to process. And that’s if it all works properly. If it goes wrong you’ll be picking bits of staple out of your skin and at risk of living with some nasty marks for a long time. I would definitely recommend starting with small zippers and working up from there.
Step one of zippering with staples called for duct tape. A lot of do-it-yourself projects finish up needing duct tape, but here it was an integral part of the process from the start. In the first image below (click to enlarge) you can see the initial strip of tape applied to my right leg.
Step two involved Lydia using a surgical stapler to staple a cord in place down the length of the tape. This is visible on my left leg in the first image and in close-up on the second image. As you might imagine the sensation of the staples puncturing my skin was an interesting one masochistically speaking. It’s a blunter feeling than a piercing. More of a punch with a sting compared to a needles sharp slide through the skin.

Step three was apparently a critical one. Another layer of duct tape was applied over the top of the first one (left image). This acts to anchor everything firmly in place. If you don’t do this then the staples will bend around the cord as they’re pulled out, twisting their legs inward and pulling out chunks of flesh. That would be a bad thing.
With everything in place Lydia checked her work with some prodding (right image). I’m not sure this was a strictly necessary part of the process, but she seemed to enjoy the noises it created.

Step four was the fireworks moment. Time to rip the whole thing away. Of course, like any good fireworks display, you wouldn’t want the show over too quickly. Lydia had fun tugging at the staples, making me feel the skin move with them and doing a few fake pulls just to really mess with my head. In the end, when it came time for the big rip, it took multiple pulls to get all the staples out. I think it was three but quite honestly it was such an intense set of sensations that I’m not exactly sure.

The end result, now I come to look at it in these images, seems surprisingly innocuous. A few red dots and specks of blood. It certainly didn’t feel that way at the time. There’s not only the basic pain to deal with but also the psychological effect of having something ripped out of the skin. It’s a lot more intense than normal zippering, where the clips are being pulled just from the skin’s surface.

Having proven the technique worked on my leg, Lydia moved on up to the chest. It was quite a headtrip having these new staples and tape put into place. For the first set I hadn’t known how much it was going to hurt coming out. With the chest ones, I knew exactly what level of pain I was buying into as each staple crimped into place.

When she was done playing with the staples Lydia decided to finish up with some acupuncture. I have to admit to feeling fairly blasé when I saw these needles come out. They’re a very small gauge and I’ve had way thicker needles shoved through me. Of course I should have guessed that with Lydia involved I wouldn’t be in for an easy ride. Using a repeated tapping action to push multiple needles into some of my most sensitive body parts certainly kept my attention.

This session counts as one of the most intense I’ve ever done. The zippering had a really great blend of psychological pressure, tense build-up and a big pain pay off. It was also a lot of fun to be playing with a new technique, even if fun wasn’t quite the adjective at the top of my mind when the staples were being ripped out. I was happy and buzzed for several days afterwards and I owe Lydia my eternal thanks for creating such an amazing experience for me. I still get a shiver several weeks later as I think back to her standing over me, smiling down, gently tugging at the staples, just waiting for the right moment to rip them free.
Amazing. Well documented. Any residual pain/infections?
No. It all healed up very quickly and easily. I’d say this technique has one of the biggest discrepancies between the strength of the sensation and the resulting marks left on the skin. Felt really intense, didn’t look at all bad afterwards.