Unfortunately with the apple in his mouth, any suckling on his part is temporarily out of the question.
This looks like a pretty intense situation to be in. Painful hogtie bondage, pulling the head up and feet back. The zipper line of clothes pegs ready to be ripped off. The drip of hot wax. What looks to be some kind of butt plug sticking out. And of course that tantalizing vision and enticing scent just beyond the end of his nose. At least if he gets hungry he can eat the apple they’ve kindly supplied him with. So that’s something.
The image is obviously from the Divine Bitches site, although I’m afraid I don’t know the specific shoot. If anyone can help me out with that, then leave a comment and I’ll update the post accordingly.
This photograph is distracting me from my spiritual development!
I’m afraid this blog probably isn’t going to be much help when it comes to spiritual development. 🙂 I do most of my deep and spiritual thinking with a martini glass in my hand.
meu fetish favorito