Kinky fashion throwbacks

Why is it that so much ugly and dated clothing often shows up in connection with the more domestic corporal femdom shots? I know some people complain about too much leather and latex in femdom porn. Personally I’ll take some stylish leatherwear over garments that look like they escaped from a 1970’s Sears catalog. Last week we had a rather distinctive skirt, and in this post features an equally striking blouse. I think she looks great. I like the stare and I like that heavy leather strop she’s sporting. The blouse I could do without.

My personal theory is that a lot of this porn is targeted at middle-aged males who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. Since domestic discipline often has a school or family theme, they’re therefore aiming for a look that men associate with the female authority figures of their childhood. Or of course, they could just be throwing on the cheapest skirts and blouses they can find on ebay.

School mistress with leather stropI found this on the Femdom Marriage tumblr site. It’s originally from School Mistress Fantasy.

Author: paltego

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5 thoughts on “Kinky fashion throwbacks”

  1. Well, I guess, technically, this isn’t domestic discipline so much as so-called Governess discipline. Have you seen how teachers dress recently? Maybe this is it.


    1. I should be better about picking my terms. In my brain I only have two main categories – domestic and dungeon. Domestic covers all the ‘real life’ scenarios (quotes definitely needed around that), like teachers, nurses, family, etc. Basically all the standard authority figures. I need a better term that domestic.
      And no, I haven’t seen many teachers recently. Given how little we pay them, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re raiding the bargain bins!

  2. OK, I have to tell you,
    I thought the little purple skirt last week was actually really cute, a bit 90s but still…cute.

    THIS, however, is an example of soooo much that as wrong with the 80s, from the skirt, to the plaid, to the hideous neck thing, yikes!

    I had assumed photos featuring 80s or 90s fashion were, in fact, photos taken in the 80s or 90s. The idea that someone is currently dressing models in fashions from 20 or 30 years ago is a little more bizzare to me, but I long ago realized the vast majority of femdom porn producers and I diverge sharply in our tastes.

    I actually LOVE this photo, in part because of her clothes, but also because she is clearly enjoying herself.

    One of the other reasons the linked photo is a turn on for me, whereas the image above is not is because as a dominant woman I can identify with the gal holding a cock and a wartenburg wheel and the chick with a whip on her shoulder and a hideous blouse does nothing for me.
    I, obviously, am not the target demographic of this image. This is mostly annoying to me because I am evidently not the target of 99.9% of the “femdom” porn and being that I am a dominant woman something seems off-kilter about that.

    1. I’m pretty certain that the vast majority of what you see that looks 80’s or 90’s has all been shot relatively recently. For example, the jpg metadata on this image tells me it was shot on a Canon camera in August 2009.

      There was a vast explosion in porn material online in the very late 90’s and early 2000’s. That seemed to be about the time that cheap digital cameras, broadband internet and a willingness to share credit card details online all came together. Up to that point I think a lot of material was from scans of magazines, which have a much higher start-up/publication/distribution, and were therefore far more limited. Having just graduated college in the mid-90’s, I spent far too long downloading stuff from usenet, and (to my shame) can still recognize most of the material that was around then. That’s completely impossible now with the volume that is out there.

      I actually had a few posts on 90’s porn last year:

      As for the image you linked to I like it a lot. In fact this was originally going to be a much longer comment, but I decided to turn it into a real post with that image in it. So check the front page 🙂

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