Compare and Contrast

This post was triggered by a comment left by Dishevelled Domina (DD) on yesterday’s post. She wasn’t a fan of the image, either from a fashion or an erotic point of view. That wasn’t a surprising comment to me. I wasn’t a huge fan of it from those points of view either, although I did like heavy leather strop being brandished. I mainly posted it so I can rag on the fashion disasters that so often crop up in this kind of corporal punishment porn.

As way of contrast, DD also provided a pointer to an image she loved and thought was a turn on. I’ve posted it below and I have to agree that it’s a great image. I like her smile. I like his reaction, and the fact he’s properly restrained. They look like a couple having fun. If I could choose an image to show friends what femdom is about, to break the cliches of whips/chains/boots and show how real people play, this’d be a good candidate. If I could only post one of the two images on this blog, I’d pick this one over the previous one everytime.

But… doesn’t turn me on. It appeals on an intellectual level, but does nothing to my libido. I’d swap places with the guy in a heartbeat, but as a trigger for my imagination this doesn’t give me much. This is more documentary than fantasy, and if I want real life I can think back to my own scenes with wartenberg wheels.

There’s a lot wrong with the other image. It’s certainly not one I’d pick to get off to. The fashion choices are ugly. I don’t role play, so naught schoolboy fantasies do nothing for me. And the POV shot with the domme staring sternly into the camera has been done to death. Despite all that, there’s something about it that invites fantasy. It gives me a jumping off point that the other image lacks. Which I have to admit is weird, because in reality I’ve no doubt that my only response to a strict school mistress in this getup would be laughter.

There are plenty of ‘good’ cliched images out there. I’ll happily defend the beauty of this image or this image, despite the surfeit of femdom porn stereotypes. But I wonder how images are around that can combine the realism and energy of the shot below, with the kind of libido button pushing that makes submissive males reach for their credit cards?

Wartenburg Wheel TortureImage was reblogged here by DD, originally posted on Fempower.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Compare and Contrast”

  1. I do understand you are writing from the perspective of a submissive man but could we please, please get some decent porn for the dominant women?

    Holy F**k, but it’s hard to find images that hit the mark!

    I scroll through a ridiculous number of pages on my Tumblr dashboard to find just a handful of images that work for me, and usually I’m having to ignore and excuse certain elements, or mentally crop the majority of those.
    It’s downright depressing!

      1. 🙂 on the photoshop. They have done a fair amount of stretching and smoothing on the face, and really screwed the lower part up. I just like the outfit and the crossed arms. Also, for some reason, the hair. No idea why that is.

    1. I think the interesting question here is the one I posed at the end: What works for both demographics?
      If you just want to find stuff that works for you personally, then good luck with that. I think only each individual is in a position to do that. But I suspect you will always run into the market demographics problem. i.e. There are way more submissive men willing to pay for this stuff and happy if the porn appeals only to them. Finding the overlap would be interesting as it’d make that demographic work for you.

      Of course we’re grossly simplifying here by talking about it likes there just two sets of interests with an overlap of unknown size. In reality there are a multitude of sets. Looking at other dominant women tumblr sites I see plenty of variation in images, in much the same way as the different submissive men site selections vary. So I guess the first question is what are some of the commonalities in what dominant women want to see?

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