Just a couple of days ago this blog turned one year old. It feels like I’ve been writing it for much longer, but the post dates don’t lie. 12 pages, 378 posts and 544 approved comments equals one year of blogging.
Looking back at my statistics for the first month I had around 100 visitors. Twelve months later and I’m serving in excess of 60,000 visitors a month with over half a million page views. I originally purchased a small site web hosting package, I’ve since upgraded through medium to large, and I’m heading towards the super size. All those figures are kind of amazing to me, given this is just a random collection of re-posted images and links accompanied by whatever thoughts are currently floating to the front of my brain.
I have to thank a lot of other established bloggers that linked to me and sent traffic in my direction. This includes (but isn’t limited to) Saratoga, Ms Marie, Suzanne and Her Majesty’s Plaything, who were all important linkers in the very early days. However, I have a special place in my heart for Shohei Yamashiro, who provided me with my very first incoming link from his site Slug on Leather. It therefore seems only fitting to illustrate this anniversary post with one of his fine pieces of artwork.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary and audience.
Fwiw, I enjoy Shohei’s artwork, as well.
Best wishes for the future of your endeavors.
Congrats on your blog anniversary!! I enjoy your blog – keep up the good work!
Happy Blog Day Paltego! Yours is one of my favorite blogs out there! Femdom Resource provides a tremendous wealth of information about female domination and your commentary is always intelligent and thought provoking! Congratulations on your well deserved success! 🙂
Happy First Birthday!
I echo the sentiments of the previous comments. Keep up the awesome work! Your blog is outstanding, and remains unique in its style and content. You deserve the attention.
Best wishes for an even better second year!
Owned and collared by Goddess Selena
Happy Birthday! Your blog is certainly an asset to the FD blogosphere. Any traffic driven your way is always in for a pleasant experience!
Congrats, Paltego, on the one-year anniversary. This is a great blog; I enjoy coming here every day. And 500,000 page views/month? That’s a big number.
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the positive feedback. One big unexpected benefit of this blog has been all the comments, feedback and interesting bloggers I’ve encountered. When I started I had comments turned off, and I’m really glad I reversed that policy. It’s been a real pleasure to swap information and ideas with everyone.
– paltego