Medical Artwork

In the last few days, as I’ve hunted around for interesting medical style femdom images, I’ve been surprised by the numerical differences between photographs and artwork. There’s a relatively limited amount of interesting medical photographs. The English Mansion has a pretty extensive clinic section and there are some dommes that specialize in medical shots (like Lady Anna’s clips), but it’s generally not a common theme. In contrast it seems to be a very popular subject for artists. Just looking through my Femdom Artwork section, artists such as Augustine, Dmitrys, Namio Harukawa, Rubex, Sardax, Kami Tora, Vernice61 and Waldo have all done non-trivial amounts of medical themed work.

I suspect that’s partly because suitable equipped spaces are hard to find, where dungeon and domestic interiors are a dime a dozen. I also suspect it’s something to do with balancing the harder reality a photograph presents to the viewer. A domme in a Halloween style nurses uniform and a toy stethoscope just looks kind of silly. But a fully equipped and realistic medical space (like this German one) is probably too much for all but the most hardcore medical fetishist. Balancing between those two seems difficult. I’d guess a lot of submissives want to take some of the themes of control, invasion of personal space and helplessness from medical procedures but recast them slightly. This kind of fantasy projection seems easier in artwork, where more is left to the viewers imagination.

Obviously to illustrate this I needed a medically themed image that illustrates this flexibility of fantasy. So here’s something from the obscure artist known as German. There’s a lot going on, with a feminized young man, some oral worship and a nurse with an enema in progress.

I found this image on a new site dedicated to this artists work that someone was kind enough to email me. If you like this image then I’d suggest taking a look at the site, as there’s a huge number of similar drawings there. Here’s another one from there that I particularly liked.

Nurse with enema and feminized boy

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Medical Artwork”

  1. Hi Paltego:

    The whole medical thing freaks me out a bit and I find medical rooms to be a bit creepy and sterile which may be part of their appeal for enthusiasts.. I tried some activities that could be called “medical” (sounds and piercing) but found they were not especially to my taste.. Glad I tried them though. You only go around once. Trying new things is the only way to expand one’s interests. Electrical play, for example, is something I discovered that I like a great deal.

    I always enjoyed that artist’s work so thanks for the link! I am sure I will be downloading his illustrations and you may find them surfacing in some of my posts! đŸ˜‰

    1. Hey hmp,

      Medical play is curious. There are a lot of different slants on it. I’m not a fan of role-playing the whole nurse/patient thing in very realistic settings. I don’t particularly want to recreate realistic procedures. But I do like the associated activities (injections, piercing, sounds, etc.) and a lot of the equipment (straightjackets, restraints, clamps, etc.) I just want them re-purposed into a more explicit femdom context rather than role-playing with them. And I’m definitely with you on the electrical play, that’s definitely been involved in some memorable sessions.

      The blogsite I linked to has a great collection of art, so I’m sure you’ll have fun browsing there!


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