The eagle eyed reader may have spotted a new option in the top menu bar – Equipment. This is a new page listing all the interesting sites selling equipment, furniture or clothes that I’ve come across. A few of the links are ones I’ve discovered via my usual random web browsing, a small number are from where I’ve shopped in the past, but the vast majority come from the comments and wish lists of pro-dommes. I figure that they’re probably the best people to listen to when it comes to BDSM hardware and outfits. After all, they buy a lot of it and give it a tougher workout than the average lifestyle player ever will.
If anyone has suggestions for other sites to add to the list then please leave a comment. I’d particularly like to know of smaller sites that offer very specialist craftsmanship. They’re typically the harder ones to track down whilst simultaneously creating the most interesting items.
For illustration I’ve picked two images. The first is from Walsh Metalworks and features Mistress Alex, shot by Natasha Gornik, wearing a metal corset fabricated by Sullivan Walsh. The second is a padded bondage chair from MetalBound. I’m afraid I don’t know the names of the models involved in the second shot.
Update: Both Jim and Lily kindly pointed out via comments that the submissive in the chair in the second shot is Madison Young.
The cute red head sub is Madison Young, who’s from San Francisco and shoots from time to time with I can’t see the Domme well enough to figure out who she is.
I was going to chime in with Jim and identify Madison, too, although I know her from Shine Louise Houston’s queer/lesbian porn series The Crash Pad.
Thanks Jim and Lily. I appreciate the information and I’ve updated the post.
I really should have identified her from the start. I’ve seen Madison in clips and enjoyed listening to her talk about kink outside of actual scenes. Somehow I’m better at identifying dommes rather than subs
I wouldn’t post it here if you hadn’t asked for it… My website sells Femdom sex toys.
The toys are pared with videos of pro-dommes using them, so if you know what you like, but don’t know what the toy is really called, of if you have a toy and would like some more inspiration on how to use it, tries to make that easy for you.
I’d love to hear your opinion on the site, feel free to contact me at
Thanks Madame Pontellier,
Your site is an interesting and unusual one. I’d like to add it to my equipment page. I do site updates in batches, so next time (probably sometime this week) I do an update (along with an accompanying post for the update) I’ll add your site.