Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the blog.

I had an interesting day today. I had hot sweaty sex (of the non-kinky kind) with a gorgeous blonde. That was good. I had my rental car towed and had to retrieve it from the impound lot. That was bad *. I had a 13 course meal in a French/Californian restaurant. That was good. The meal may have contained potassium benzoate, that would be bad.

I have no idea what image would be appropriate for all that. But I’ll go for a shot of a hot sweaty blonde from the undah-wear tumblr. It’s not strictly a femdom shot, but I’m guessing I’m not going to be the only submissive male turned on at the image of a sweaty female body. The term ‘sniffer’ is often used in a derisory fashion, but I think scent is a much under appreciated part of sex. It pushes buttons deep in the brain that the other senses just can’t get near.

Oh, and 10 bonus femdom points for the first person to get the post title reference. It’s an easy one, but I can’t resist the quote.

Woman at ballet rail* It turns out to be particularly tricky to retrieve your car when you picked it up in the early hours of the morning from a rental agency and have no idea what the license number is. Or the color. Or the model. Or even the number of doors. It had a drivers door, so I’d stopped caring once I’d initially established that fact. Combine all that with an automated traffic system with the phone menu from hell, and you can imagine the level of frustration created. I might be a masochist but even I have my limits.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the blog.”

  1. Haha, couldn’t resist: Army of Darkness. Bruce Campbell is a guilty pleasure. That’s a very quotable movie by the way…

    Athletic women are a real turn on. I don’t really care much for bras, but sportsbras are a real turnon. She’s got a very nice figure, btw.

    Congrats on the blonde, bummer for your car.


    1. 10 points to you! And yes, it’s a very quotable movie. I’m a Bruce Campbell fan. He’s a great B movie actor.

      She’s got a nice figure, and also a nice sheen of moisture from the workout!


  2. Here’s one female who enjoys being “sniffed” after an intense workout.

    Good thing I have a personal sniffer 🙂


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