Dressed for the occasion

I’m typically not a fan of outdoor femdom shots. Partly this is because I have some hard limits around public humiliation and creepy crawlies. So anything that risks combining the two is difficult for me to fantasize about. But it’s mostly because the domme’s clothing is so frequently hilariously inappropriate. Take the shot at the end of this link for example. Huge stripper heels and a skimpy leopard skin dress are really not ideal for a stroll through a field. It looks like she’d end up more uncomfortable than he would.

In contrast the shot below caught my eye as an example of how it should be done. It’s a nice autumnal parkland setting, and she dressed elegantly but appropriately. The boots are perhaps a little shiny and impractical, but keeping them polished and clean will give him something to do when they get back from their morning constitutional.

Mistress leading slave on a leash for a walk in the parkYou can see a second image from the scene in this post on the public humiliation tumblr.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

6 thoughts on “Dressed for the occasion”

    1. That’s funny. I’ve fixed the post now. For anyone reading the comments and wondering what this was about, I had “public humiliation” as “publication humiliation”.

      I’m trying to figure out if that was some sort of Freudian slip, but I don’t think so. I post every day, so I don’t think I have any fear of publication humiliation. Although I guess I humiliated myself with the errors in this particular publication, so it could just be very ironic 🙂


  1. I love her outfit. Perfect for a stylish New England November stroll. Either through Beacon Hill, or my rather secluded neighborhood with sissy in tow!


    1. Yes, that’s true, but I don’t count those as either humiliating or really public.

      With naked shots it’s all about context. Naked in a locker room isn’t humiliating. Naked at the opera would be. These are shots from sessions, so naked is natural. And I don’t think anyone is stumbling on them accidentally. They’re the kind of material you’d expect to find on a femdom blog. My typically issue with public play is dragging others into my kinks without their consent. So emailing the photographs to random friends would be public and humiliating, posting them here isn’t (for me anyway).


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