I discovered today that my blog was inaccessible on the British Columbia ferries WiFi. I’m not sure whether to be annoyed by the censorship or amused by the fact they’ve at least heard of me. I’m leaning generally to the annoyed. And I’m sorry for any of my Canadian readers that have had their open water browsing spoiled by big ferry brother.
Today’s post features a rather cultured image, courtesy of the cyberian1111 tumblr. I have to admit to a sneaking fetish to upper-class women. I’ve no idea why. I enjoy reading about the aristocracy but generally wouldn’t want to interact with them. Except sexually. Somehow they push some deeply hidden buttons. Not sure if it’s the pearls, elegance, aristocratic arrogance or their reputation for perverse sexual practices. I guess being brought up with an assumed superiority and the natural ability to wield a riding crop also helps.
I love it! For me this photo captures the essence of romance. I am sure Her Majesty would agree! 🙂
Thanks hmp! Glad you enjoyed it. I did think that you’d like this particular photo. Hadn’t heard much from you recently, so very glad to get to discover you’re still active and commenting 🙂
Sexy image!
HA! “…wouldn’t want to interact with them. Except sexually!”
I know the feeling. I’m a socialist at heart and have a streak of “Eat the Rich” radicalism in me. My background is working class and I’m pretty serious about my politics.
HOWEVER, being a sadomasochist, I am very attracted to power dichotomies in sex. Any power dichotomies.
I’ve had flings and relationships with wealthy and (comparatively) powerful men…class differences can be problematical in serious partnerships, but I can’t deny that I’ve gotten a nasty thrill out of it on occasion.
I find class endlessly fascinating, particularly as an Englishman in the US. In Britain class is very much defined by family, geography and history. All of which are fairly inflexible. In the US it seems much more about money, which in the past has made it more flexible, though that seems to be rapidly changing. I guess class in the US also has some function of geography. e.g. Class in the South seems very different to that on the coasts. The coasts seems to focus more on a money=power approach, where the South seems to be more family and history (i.e. British approach).
Mixing power imbalance and sex is a heady brew for anyone interested in BDSM. I’d actually love to be on the flip side of it. However, as the well paid West coast techy, I probably need to go to Europe to experience that.
I should also add that while I’d not describe myself as a socialist, coming from a European background, it’s pretty hard to end up anywhere but on the left of the US political divide. A conservative in the UK would be unelectable even as a democrat in most of the US. This country is seriously politically skewed right at present.
It’s about time you males understand your place!
Thank You, Ma’am. If it would please You, this submissive suppliant begs to approach, groveling on its belly, and salute Your Most Gracious Excellency with a kiss of adoration on the toe of Your Precious Boot, in supplication for the privilege of cleaning Yout boots with its unworthy tongue.