The ‘dominatrix’ in fashion

It seems that every week I see some fashion article extolling the ‘dominatrix’ look. It’s a regular part of the current fall fashion collections. The latest was this on the DSquared2 fashion show. Typically I steer away from cliched dominatrix shots. But if you’re going to shoot for that, at least do it properly. Every single ‘dominatrix’ fashion look so far has come across as very weak sauce. A pair of leather boots or a tight leather top does not equal dominatrix. If you’re going to do it, do it properly. The image below (courtesy of Fetish World tumblr) is a good example of the look done right. Boots. Corset. Jodhpurs. Crop. Stare. All check.


Author: paltego

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3 thoughts on “The ‘dominatrix’ in fashion”

  1. i think a touch of FemDom spreads all over fashion. in the 80ies (when i matured) i rarely saw Ladies in heels or boots. but since the late 90ies high heels take over on the street. it is a delight to walk on the streets of my hometown in germany and see how wonderful the young Ladies are dressed and what kind of heels and boots they wear. that is a great development. i was once in Latvia – in winter. You won’t believe it – the Ladies walk around in tigh highs and belly-free at minus 20 cenitgrades (no prostitutes, just normal Women) … good times for kinksters

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