I’d be the first to admit that the photographs I publish of my sessions are not the sexiest images featured here. That’s not to say the sessions themselves aren’t sexy. It’s just that the attractive woman in the interesting fetish gear is normally behind the camera, while the skinny naked English guy splays himself in front. It’s a little like this anecdote about George Enescu. All the elements are there, just not necessarily in the right arrangement.
However, all those previous scenes pale into insignificance compared to the aesthetics of one I did with Lydia recently. Even my response on seeing the photographs was – “Ewwwww. That’s cool. But ewwwww!” We were playing with saline injections under the skin, which created big swellings and bumps. From a headspace perspective it was amazing. It created a nice variation in pain, depending where the injections were, as well as a strong sense of objectification. There was the slow filling of the syringe, the little flick and squirt to clear the bubbles, the careful search for just the right place and then the rising pain as she pushed the needle home. Unfortunately, while masochistically interesting, aesthetically it left me looking like someone with a peculiar disease. I’ll share some links to photographs, but consider yourself warned!
For brave readers, this first shot shows both the nipples (which were injected multiple times) and the first few injections to the chest. The nipple injections made them very sensitive and pleasurable to touch. In contrast the injections in the centre of the chest and the sides of the torso were really tender and painful. This shot and this one show the actual injection process itself. The filling itself didn’t hurt too much, it was more the movement of the needle as Lydia squeezed the plunger that stung. Here’s an overhead shot take later in the session. It was surprising how quickly the saline would either leak or absorb, and Lydia had to go back to refill most of the spots. Finally, this shot and this one were taken right at the end, after Lydia had also pierced the nipples. Given their engorged and sensitive state that piercing was almost pleasurable and it cranked their sensitivity up another notch.
If you’re playing with someone who has had the relevant training, then I’d definitely recommend giving saline injections a go. It might look like you’ve got a dose of the pox, but the D/s dynamic it creates is a powerful one. And the swelling fades in just an hour or two.
It feels wrong to end the post with only shots of my bumpy torso. So as a kind of mental palette cleanser, here’s Lydia with a shot taken from her trip to OWK.
Hi Paltego;
The injection pics are fascinating and gruesome. For reasons which remain unclear to me, I’m squeamish about needle play, even though I’m a pretty serious masochist. Seeing the bumps/pox must have been a total mindfuck. It’s spooky seeing your own body manipulated like that.
Lydia is very beautiful! I’ve seen her videos on kink.com. I like the one with her and Euro the best.
Hey Miss Margo,
Needles took me some time to get used to. The first time we did them I almost passed out. I did the whole cold sweat, spinning room, pale skin thing. I was super squeamish, and actually still am about a lot of stuff. I found that being able to lie down and not look at what was happening got me past the initial hump. And once that masochistic things kicks in, and you start attaching a sexual response to that particular style of pain, then it gets awfully interesting!
The bumps were definitely a mindfuck. Although what’s missing from these photos is the tight spandex hood she had me in, which made a little tricky to see exactly what was happening. It wasn’t really till the end that I got that ‘Dear God, what the hell is she doing to me’ moment. Up until then it had more been sensation based.
And yes, Lydia is very beautiful. Not to mention an amazingly talented domme. I’ve played with a fair number of different dommes (and blogged about a few of them), but so far I’d say Lydia has the maddest skillz of them all 🙂 It’s a shame she’s not doing more kink shots.