100% goodness

Normally when I pick an image to post it’s because there are one or two interesting details that call out to me. There’s an expression I like, or a cool bit of equipment or a nicely captured emotion. It’s rare that I love everything about an image. This shot is one of those exceptions.

I love the cool inverted suspension with the colored ropes. I love the fact the women is a light sundress rather than dommey leather. The fact she’s a cutey in glasses is an added bonus. I love the books and shelves in the background. It’s not a bleak industrial space or a faux-stone clad dungeon. Most of all I love the mixture of emotions and sense of connection between them. There’s both playfulness and seriousness to it. She looks like she’s caressing his head in one hand, but ready to squeeze him with the other hand.

Inverted Suspension

I found this on Thumper’s Portfolio. Despite hunting with a reverse image search, I couldn’t track down a source for the image. If anyone know’s who shot, published or starred in this, then please let me know via a comment.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “100% goodness”

    1. Don’t worry Tom. I’m sure I’ll be able to find and post some images of leather clad dommes hanging out in warehouses before long. I know you love them 🙂


    1. Thanks Tars. So unusual to see tumblr being used as an original posting venue that I didn’t think to look at the original poster of the image when I found it. I’ve just put up a new post with the link you provided. Cheers!


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