This caught my eye when I came across it on the Who’s Sorry Now tumblr. It’s rendered in a very striking style. I don’t know the artist, but I’m guessing it’s the same person who did this piece. Both of them feature slightly androgynous submissive young men that put me in mind of Japanese animation and videogames. I was going to go on to suggest that BDSM and D/s might be an interesting basis for a JRPG, but given the dating games genre that exists in Japan, somebody has probably already done it.
It’s also unusual to see a chaise longue involved in a spanking scene, although when you think about it, that’s actually a very suitable piece of furniture for the task.
I’m sure you’re aware of the amount of D/s and BDSM on Second Life.
I’ve seen a bunch of pictures and comments on it, but I’ve never really dug into to understand it. I probably should and write a post or two. Thanks.
The artist’s name is H-bum and most of his stuff can be found on Anime OTK, along with a ton of over drawings.
Thanks a lot! That’s a great link to have. I’ll put together a proper post crediting him appropriately in the next week or so.