After the verbosity of the last couple of posts I’ll keep it simple tonight. I’ve had a wonderful evening. To start I got heavily whipped by Lydia. My torso now looks like it was mauled by a creature with really big paws. Then I got well and truly fucked. Much grunting and moaning was involved. Finally, I drifted home on a cloud of endorphins, cracked open some good red wine and cooked a rack of lamb extra rare. In my book that’s a damn good evening.
Before I retire to the couch with another glass of wine, I’ll leave you with this appropriate image. Can’t say I’m a fan of the wet look stockings (or boots), but I do appreciate that she seems to be enjoying herself.
Somebody has annoyingly trimmed the watermark off (given the black border I have my suspicions which self-aggrandizing femdom site that would be), but I believe it’s originally from the Strapon Dreamer site. I found it on the Not Like That, Like This tumblr.
I’ve seen this before. She looks so cute in those glasses, and it’s a nic hang from the sneering, cruel femdom look.
Also, boo hiss for those sites that appear to pass of content as their own. I’ve seen several Tumblers actually putting their own watermark over the images.
I have a soft spot for cute dommes in glasses.
As for tumblr’s watermarking images, I’ve seen that as well. I never feature any images from them. Or, if I really like the shot, I’ll go and hunt down the original and use that instead (with proper attribution). I suspect this one originally came from a well known femdom blog (initials CD) that I refuse to feature thanks to its obnoxious logo approach.
Hi paltego,
She looks more than up to the task!
Mrs. Kelly’s Playhouse
Hey scott,
Yes, he looks like he avoided the whipping I enjoyed, but I think she looks more than capable on the fucking front!
I love her confident and smiling look. It could be a still for an article by a sexologist who is confident to show just how she and her man enjoy themselves.
Her smile is great. I’d certainly take advice from a sexologist like this!