With this leash…

I’m treating this as a continuation of the wedding theme from my previous post, although her dress isn’t exactly a traditional one. But then again, a leash isn’t exactly part of the standard ceremony either, so let’s just roll with the fantasy.

In contrast to yesterday’s shot this groom looks very attentive and eager to go. He has a bit of the ‘Squirrel!‘ about him. I wonder what the equivalent for submissive guys is? From what I’ve seen from most of them it’s probably ‘Boots!


I found this image on the subboy and mature ladies tumblr. I’m afraid I couldn’t trace an original attribution.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “With this leash…”

  1. if the sub is of nerdy disposition, “Squirrel!” will probalby find its equivalent in “Oh, shiny ..” upon encountering a new gadget or toy (which might or might not be a sex toy)

    1. Yes, that’s a pretty good nerdy equivalent. Although I’ve sadly yet to see anyone do it about a sex toy. That would make my day!


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