After yesterday’s post featuring some very modern femdom art, I thought it’d be a nice contrast to reach into the past for this post. This particular image is very much of its time and genre – from the artistic style, through the exposition style of speech (clearly it’s important they’re told she’s got super powers) to the cliched green aliens. What particularly made me smile was the look on the aliens’ faces. They don’t look all that upset about the situation. In fact they almost appear to be queuing up. Perhaps their nefarious plot to take over the earth was simply a ploy to get a good spanking from a cute girl in red boots?
I found this on the Lunar Black tumblr.
I DVR’ed a PBS show on super heroes in comic books and am watching it now. The old super heroes, especially Wonder Woman, were full of bondage and fetish images. That all changed in 1955 when, under congressional pressure, the industry implemented the Comic Code Authority, and banned all just topics and images. That ended scenes like that, and all those smiles.
I think I saw that documentary, or at least one on a very similar theme. As I remember it Fredric Wertham was one of the big villains, who misrepresented data to justify the CCA. Just another in a long line of media scares to panic adults about children. There have been plenty more over the years – movies, television, rock & roll, rap music, videogames, etc. All with varying degrees of destructiveness, but consistently with zero benefit. Great shame in the CCA case, as it altered comics for decades.
Yup, it was Fredric Wertham. They had some clips of his testimony and he was one scary dude.
They also had a contemporary interview of a woman who noted that kids who read (emphasis READ) comic books tend to be shy and gentle kids. That certainly jives with my experience.
I LOVE that the alien getting spanked is smiling! Ha! Ha! lucky devil….
Yes, I’m sure the artist enjoyed drawing this panel. She’s the only one looking even slightly upset!
Speaking about Wonder Woman, check this out and learn some kinky things about her you didn’t know.
Now that was funny. Thanks for the link. I might have to feature that in a future post 🙂
I thought you would find it amusing.