I’ve not exactly been kind to 50 shades of Grey in the past. Posts like this one and this one have made my feelings pretty clear on the subject. I was therefore shocked to discover an article on the topic that was even dumber than the source material itself.
You’d think that the trilogy would be a God send to the anti-kink and anti-porn brigade. After all it portrays a horribly dysfunctional relationship with many BDSM themes. Taking pot shots at that should be easy, yet somehow Gail Dines in this Guardian article screws it up. She attempts to conflate Christian Grey with an Irish serial killer because – and I can hardly believe I’m typing this – they’re both played by the same actor. On that basis we should assume that Richard Nixon was a serial killer who invented corn flakes. After all, Anthony Hopkins played all three characters (Nixon, The Silence of the Lambs and The Road to Wellville). I guess I should be grateful that someone who holds views so diametrically opposed from my own is such an idiot.
I wasn’t really sure what image to feature with this post, so let’s just go with something elegant and beautiful. Feel free to assume there’s a dominant lady waving a whip just off frame if the lack of overt femdom offends you.
This image is tagged ‘William’ but I’ve failed to locate an original source for it. If you know then please fill me in via a comment.
Fifty Shades glamourised and eroticised violence against women and rebranded it as romance.
OFFS, how the hell do people this stupid get these jobs? You’re a hell of a lot more nuanced and insightful, and you don’t get paid for writing. There’s something really wrong with this picture.
Thanks. Although being more nuanced and insightful than Gail Dines is a low bar. I guess it comes down to telling people want they want to hear. If you can identify your audience, and it’s not being addressed by anyone better, than pretty much any rubbish goes. The Guardian is a fine paper in many respects (breaking the NSA stories was particularly spectacular), but its articles on sex, porn, sex work, etc. are consistently terrible.
sensational picture
Glad you like it. Just wish I knew who the rigger and photographer were.