I like this image from the Men in Pain site. I like (a lot) the Work is Never Over tumblr where I found it. I intensely dislike the fact the tumblr owner felt the need to stamp their watermark on the top right corner. I also hate the fact they felt the need to move the very clear MiP attribution from the bottom left to right edge, where it’s easily missed (the original image can be seen here).
Screwing around in an image editing package for a few minutes doesn’t confer a creative credit. I enjoy seeing tweaked images on tumblr (the Alternative Female Domination tumblr does a good job in that respect), but nobody should fool themselves that somehow that’s equivalent to hiring professional models, and then lighting, rigging and shooting a scene. Please leave original watermarks alone and don’t add new ones. Even if you have worked hard and spent literally seconds of your life shoving the file through an image filter or two.
You’ve hit on one of the things that really ticks me off. There’s all sorts of free, good, free, sexy, free, free imagines on the internet; why FFS do some bloggers think it’s okay to appropriate the credit for themselves? This kind of thing will be the death of Tumblr.
And kudos to you for not only keeping the credit, but in actually researching the source (which is more than I do, I’m embarrassed to say).
This is one of the less obnoxious ones, but yes, it’s still annoying and goes against the spirit of tumblr. The millions of image posts wouldn’t exist without content creators doing their thing, so the least they can do is keep full credit where it’s due.
Google reverse image search is my savior on the credit front I have to admit. Sometimes I know the artists or models by sight, but most of it is simply a case of 10 minutes of scanning search results.
Now who would have thought that submissives have egos too?
They should be punished for each of these transgressions.
Actually the ‘Work is never over’ tumblr is run by a dominant woman Suzanne! And far be it for me to comment on the connection between ego and dominant women, I’ll leave people to draw their own conclusions there 🙂