I’m not really a fetishist. I’ve never asked a domme to wear a particular outfit and, much as I appreciate the aesthetics of traditional latex and leather S&M outfits, I can also happily play without them.
Smart clothes on the other hand, that’s a whole different story. I love getting dressed up and going out with people who feel the same way. Seattle is a wonderful city in many respects, but fashion and dressing for dinner is not a big thing here. My suits have probably got more hours clocked in suitcases at 30,000 feet than they have being worn in Seattle. Seeing a well dressed couple moving together through a restaurant or bar always makes me happy. There’s something very right about that scene.
This particular image is Michael Fassbender in GQ. He looks great, and the position of her gloved hand really makes the shot.
This is why I dont like humiliation femdom. Being submissive should not be associated with being
unsuccesful or unhealty. Great pic !
While I’m personally not into humiliation, I’m not against it on principle, provided it’s treated as a very narrow and specific type of kinky play. I think the problem comes when it’s treated as the general representation of submission or an integral part of femdom. And unfortunately people playing privately aren’t very visible, where people doing public humiliation scenes are visible by the very nature of the act. So we end up with this problematic skewed representation.
Glad you liked the picture!