The sex selfie

Is it really a selfie if it’s a shot of more than one person? Isn’t that simply a group portrait, so it should really be a grolfie? Also, why hasn’t the endlessly creative internet come up with a catchy name for a sex selfie yet? What is that infinite collection of monkeys playing around at?

I realize these questions are probably not top of mind for the gentleman below, but they’re the kind of things that can keep me awake at nights. I could really use a suitably positioned naked bottom to distract me.

SelfieI found this on the Femdom Marriage tumblr. Thanks to a helpful comment I can now attribute the original source to Sex Tales of a Diva.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “The sex selfie”

  1. Hi Paltego:

    Yes it is a selfie even if it includes other people. Nice selfie. Could have been taken at O/our house on a Saturday night though there is no chance in hell Her Majesty would ever take a selfie like this! đŸ˜›

    1. Hey hmp,

      It’s a fun shot. Based on your comments about her Majesty and her desire for privacy, I’m not going to hold my breath for the equivalent one to appear on your blog :). Sounds like you had a fun Saturday night!


  2. Please give credit to SexTalesOfADiva this is my personal post. It has been the logged over 65 thousand times so that makes it hard to find the origin, I understand.
    Thank you,

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