It’s educational, honest

Fans of odd bits of internet culture may enjoy this article on a chap called Seedfeeder. If you don’t recognize the name, you might recognize his work. He’s the artist responsible for a lot of the sexually explicit illustrations on Wikipedia. For example, this article on Sexual Positions features several of his drawings.

As a child growing up pre-internet, I remember sniggering at ‘rude’ words in the dictionary and hunting through encyclopedias with school friends for sexual topics. I think that’s a phase that lasts from about age 7 through to around age 74. Even now, with literally millions upon millions of pornographic images freely available, these drawings still make me smile and prompt classic Wikipedia browsing syndrome. There’s just something about the juxtaposition of titillating topics, straight laced writing and educational drawings that catches the eye and gives my inner schoolboy an elbow in the ribs.

Pegging by Seedfeeder

The image is by Seedfeeder and is used to illustrate the topic of Pegging on Wikipedia.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “It’s educational, honest”

  1. Well just about everything I know about sex I learned from my parent’s copy of “The Joy of Sex” and “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about sex but were afraid to ask”. I think I read them about ten times each as I was growing up.

    1. I never read the latter (although I did enjoy the Woody Allen movie later in life), but the former was certainly a go to guide book for the teenage paltego. That was read in more serious concentration than sniggering at the words in the dictionary however 🙂


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