I’m safely back in Seattle after flying back late on Sunday night. I finished the trip with a bang, or possibly that should be a thwack, by playing with the beautiful Domina Ai-Li on Sunday afternoon. It was another really fun session. Playing fairly heavy on consecutive days creates some interesting dilemmas, as dommes do love to poke, prod and generally work over any bruises they spot from the previous day!
In my previous post I commented on the role the eyes can play in a scene. Today I’m going to go a couple of inches lower and talk about the throat. It’s not a body part that gets mentioned often, but I think it definitely played a role in my session with Ai-Li. I had a slightly sore throat when we started (probably as a result of too much drinking and talking in busy bars) and yelling and screaming in pain didn’t help matters. I have a tendency to do that when someone beats the inside of my thighs particularly hard. As a result I tried to bite back my yells to be kinder to my throat, and that in turn seemed to lower my pain tolerance. I think vocalizing is a way to release tension and push through tough situations. It lets me be free and simply express what I feel. Trying to hold it back makes it harder for me to take pain and therefore increases its apparent intensity. So I guess it you want to make it tougher for a submissive, tell him or her to shut the hell up.
Of course if you want to let someone scream but not scare the neighbors into calling the cops, a gag is always a good alternative. It doesn’t give you silence, but does muffle yells while still allowing a healthy moan.
I’m afraid I don’t know who the above domme is. If you do then feel free to enlighten me via the comments.
Hi Paltego:
Since we live in a semi detached house the neighbors are something of a concern to Her Majesty who often has to tell me to curb my enthusiasm. But as you so rightly observe sometimes you just have to let it out! And who really cares about the neighbors anyway? 😀
Seriously though I do my best to respect her wishes and reduce the volume. She doesn’t gag me so I just have to find the mute button. You are 100% correct. Trying to stay quiet makes a beating harder to take.
Hey hmp,
I so often play in pro dungeons that I’d kind of forgotten the issues in trying to stay quiet. The only time I’ve had to worry about it (other than the aforementioned sore throat) was playing hotels. And even then I don’t have to worry too much about the long term repercussions. I definitely wouldn’t want to make casual conversation with my neighbors if they’d heard me screaming like I normally do :). It definitely adds an extra level of torment, so I admire your fortitude in keeping the volume down!