Once again I missed the premier fetish event in San Francisco. It seems I’m always there just before or just after, but never on the right weekend. I’m heading down next weekend to SF, but unfortunately this year the event already happened a week or so ago. One of these days I’ll get my act together and attend.
I had to laugh at this brief TMZ article on it. Despite the fact that gay men in leather are the majority part of the scene, they still had to describe the images as ‘dominatrix pics’. Apparently if you want to sell a story you have to make it straight, and if you want to make it kinky that means a dominatrix. That’s not to say you can’t see all sorts of gender and kinky combinations at folsom, but the very images TMZ feature under the ‘dominatrix’ title are mostly hunky gay guys.
The above Folsom image is from here and I’d guess from the 2014 event.
Hi paltego!
I attended, dressed as a kinky submissive French maid.
It was definitely majority-gay (which was wonderful, because gay men never bother me, which is why I felt “safe” enough to attend as a submissive without a date), but there were LOTS of straight people there.
I loved all the eye candy and the spectacle. I was literally running around town in a cheesy (but not cheap!) French Maid outfit, and nobody batted an eye (except for the cab driver, lol).
You really ought to go one year. 400,000 kinksters!
My only regret, as usual, is that I didn’t have a date. 🙁
Sounds like a lot of fun Miss Margo. I’ll mark it on my calendar for next year, so I can try and plan a bit better.
Shame you were flying solo. A friendly crowd is one thing, but it’s definitely not the same as having someone to share the experience with. Hopefully next year will be a different story for you.