Stabbity has a good post up on the issue of experience and how important it, or the lack of it, actually is. Her opinion is that while experience can be valuable, it’s a minor issue compared to how you act. Empathy, consideration and self-awareness will get you a long way. Act like an inconsiderate asshole and it doesn’t matter how many years you’ve notched up under the lash.
She also makes the point that seeing a pro-domme is a valid choice if it meets your needs. If you want the focus to be on fulfilling your fantasies rather than negotiating and potentially compromising on shared ones then be honest with yourself about that. Better to have a clear and unambiguous professional relationship than a coercive lifestyle one.
When it came to picking a picture to illustrate sex, kink and experience, one name sprung immediately to mind – the legendary Nina Hartley. This is from a shoot she did for Whipped Ass.
Oh, my! As we say in Portuguese: I’ve paid many homages to Mrs. Hartley since I was a teenager! Now I am at my early 40’s! She IS great!
Glad I could share another image with you of this great lady!
Thanks for dropping by.