My fellow Pacific Northwest dwellers may be interested to learn that Portland is gaining a kinky coffee shop. It’ll be called the MoonFyre Cafe and is being organized by Mistress Pixie Fyre. As well as the cafe part, it’ll also boast a space for classes, a play space and an aftercare space.
While combining sex, kink and coffee seems very quintessentially Portland, it’s not the first on the West Coast. Wicked Grounds in San Francisco has been around for many years now. The shot below shows Mistress Alice and Mistress Leila enjoying a coffee in that space. Apparently the gentleman they’re with is drinking his coffee via a straw while having his balls electrically zapped. Perhaps he just wasn’t getting the kind of caffeine high he wanted, and felt he needed to step it up a notch or two? It’s probably still more pleasant than drinking at Starbucks.
There is one in London, UK!
It is called Coffee Cake and Kisses.
Here it is:
Thanks for the pointer. I’ve not heard of that spot before.
So nice to read about the Kinky coffeehouse from a kinky perspective. The first blog post I read seemed like the poor guy who went in was traumatized. Poor thing.
Looking forward to a road trip!