Ch Ch Ch Changes

Regular readers may notice a different look for the blog from today. As step one in my overhaul process I’ve updated to a new more modern theme. It’s still pretty simple and clean, but it should work a lot better on tablets and phones. Google tends to punish sites that don’t support mobile devices with ranking demotion, and my old theme wasn’t set-up for mobile at all.

If you notice anything broken or not working then please let me know via a comment. I’m also hoping this’ll help with the speed and comment issues I’ve seen in the past, although that would be a happy side-effect rather than primary goal. At the very least it should make life easier for everyone who spends their life attached to their phone, even when they’re say sitting on someones face, like Meana Wolf is here.

Meana Wolf

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

6 thoughts on “Ch Ch Ch Changes”

    1. The font was the default of the wordpress theme. From looking at the original html it generates it looks like it’s using “Merriweather, Georgia, serif”

      Hope that helps.


    1. Thanks. As far as I can tell it seems to be fast now for regular reading. Just slow when you look at uncached pages (like leaving a comment). I’ll continue to tweak it.


  1. Looks good. I’m just one of those people who hates change – I still want the original BBC news website. Crazy, I know.

    Is there any way you could have the blogroll/pictures updates on another page? Liked looking at the titles and seeing what’s been updated to click through.

    Thanks as ever for the site

    1. Well I probably wouldn’t have changed if it wasn’t for Google hating non-mobile sites. I was fond of the original version, but my theme was so old it was impossible to update.

      I thought about putting the blogroll on another page – that was plan B – but it still brought everything to a grinding halt. No idea why. I’m now going to try setting up WordPress and everything on my home machine and play around with a simple test site. That’ll avoid me screwing up the main site when I’m testing ideas. I’m not a PHP or WordPress expert, I might be able to figure out what’s going on.

      Glad you enjoy the site!


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