This is my 2000th post. I find that fact astonishing. I launched the blog in September of 2010, exactly 2395 days ago. That means I’ve average a post roughly ever 28 hours for the last 6 or so years. Putting it another way, estimating the average post to take 45 minutes, and assuming a standard 40 hour work week, I’ve spent just over 37 weeks on the full time job of blogging. As jobs go, it’s certainly a satisfying one, although the salary of negative several hundred dollars a year could be better.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the blog, emailed me, linked to me, written posts I’ve shared or published images I’ve used. Thanks in particular to all my readers. If nobody ever showed up, I doubt I’d have made it to 200 posts, let alone 2000. I hope I’ve added a little kinky happiness into people’s lives over the years.
I’ll probably do some more follow-up thoughts in a subsequent post. For the moment I’m just going to bask in the achievement of making it this far. For my 1000th post I featured the artwork of the talented Yumine Guo. Let me continue that tradition in post 2000. I’m feeling pretty pleased at making it this far, and here’s a lady looking equally happy with herself.
If you like Yumine’s work then consider support her Patreon.
Well Done Paltego!
Congratulations on your achievement and thank you for such a nice celebratory image.
Regards, Phil Lane
Thanks Phil. Appreciate you reading and stopping by to comment.
Thanks! Glad I made it this far 🙂
You have created a wonderful resource and blog for many communities. Congratulations on 2000 thoughtful posts!
Cheers! I always enjoy positive feedback. Thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations! Discovered your blog late, but I’m looking forward the next 2,000 while I keep working my way back through the first!
Thanks Declan! Happy you made it here in the end 🙂 I always enjoy reading your blog as well.
Congratulations! And THANK YOU for the blog. I look forward to it each day!
Thanks! Nice to know it’s appreciated!
Well done. The work you put into this thing is much appreciated. It’s always interesting, in one way or another.
Thanks! The amount of work kind of sneaked up on me. Any single post doesn’t seem a lot, but they do add up. Glad you like it.
Your blog entries taken alone are impressive. To stick with it so long and so faithfully is outstanding.
And thanks for the couple of times you’ve responded to my requests for recommendations for Dommes when I’m visiting places you’ve been to and I haven’t. Without your blog I would never know of you to benefit from your wisdom.
Congratulations Paltego.
And thank you very much for all the time and energy you put into your lovely blog.
Marga and Titia
Thanks Marga and Titia. I always welcome and enjoy your comments and emails – even if I’m not always entirely prompt in my replies! Glad to have you as readers.
Glad I could help Jim. Always a pleasure to share good recommendations for fun people to meet!
Thanks for all your work on the blog! Been lurking for at least M; this is a great occasion to say how much I enjoy it. I really appreciate writing by male subs that is thoughtful and intelligent.
Cheers Robert! Nice to hear from someone who has been reading for a decent fraction of the blogs life. Glad you’ve enjoyed it and I hope that continues.
I missed this, so please accept my belated congratulatory wishes.
Thanks Tom! Appreciate you stopping by at any time.
Congratulations on your 2000th post! Quite the achievement. With one blogpost every 28 hours, at least you have Sundays off [for now…].
What I especially like about your blog is just how diverse it is. A compliment as well for your well-curated resources section. Keep on writing and I’ll [and many others] will keep on reading. 🙂
Thanks! I appreciate the support and positive feedback. I’ll try and keep the diversity going.