Earlier this year, on the news that Kink.com was closing down its armory space in San Francisco, I pondered on what they’d do with all their fancy furniture. Now it seems we have the answer – sell it on craigslist. Or, more accurately, advertise on craigslist that they’re hosting a viewing and sale on the afternoon of the 15th.
It makes me wish I lived in San Francisco. I’d love to drop by and pick up something. I can only hope some of the furniture and toys finds its way into dungeons I frequent down there. For example, this cock pillory looks like it might be rather fun.
Oh sh*t. The one day I fail to read your blog and missed the sale…..
Doh! That’s a real shame. Would have been great if some of my readers managed to snaffle some stuff from there.
Snaffle? British word?
Ha! Yes. I didn’t think about that when writing the comment. It means to sneak in and grab something. If an item was on sale or only occasionally available, and you managed to get in and grab it before others could, then you’d have snaffled it 🙂