Is it safe?

I seem to have been cursed recently with events that remind me of kinky fun, without any of the actual kinky fun. I wrote about yoga and personal trainers in the last couple of posts. Today featured an appointment with my dental hygienist and her collection of instruments of torture.

There are many things you don’t want to hear from someone poking around in your mouth with a sharp metal pick. The opening line from my hygienist today was right up there with the best of them – “Do you have a high pain tolerance?” That was literally what she started with. I was tempted to tell her that if she tied me to the chair, slapped on some nipple clamps on and whispered how much my screaming excited her, then yes, I definitely did. But I figured nobody needs to have to deal with my weirdness when they’re just trying to do their job. So I put on my brave face, looked her straight in the eye and firmly said “Huh, well, I guess, maybe?”

Not sure where this image is from. I found it on the medkink tumblr, which is stuffed with pictures for medical kink fans.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Is it safe?”

  1. Pain is a sensation plus an emotion and of course, its the emotion which sets the scene.
    Mouths are uniquely tender places and I could never imagine having my kink-imagination stoked by the hygienist. Its just totally the wrong chemistry. Also the question she asked Paltego: do you have a high pain threshold! What ever was she thinking of? Pretty much the first think members of the clinical dental team have to to is to reduce anxiety and thats not the way to do it.
    Of course, a Dominatrix plays with anxiety in her own way because she has to help her client to surrender, endure and then come back for more. Maybe the Hygienist should submit to a session or two, to get her empathetic techniques sorted out?

    1. Well she did have the option of numbing my mouth, so I think she was trying to figure out if that was necessary. i.e. Would I rather take a bit of pain and be done or deal with a numbed mouth for a longer period. It was an awkward bit of cleaning with the ultrasonic device they used cranked to maximum. But yes, like you say, it didn’t do much to reduce my anxiety! I thought about trying to turn it into a scene in my head, but it was too weird, so I just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over 🙂


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