The BBC has announced that the new Doctor Who will be Jodie Whittaker, the first woman to take the role. The reactions to this were entirely predictable: A lot of positive comments; a lot of whining about the PC police ruining the character; a lot of internet analysis of the significance of the decision and what the subsequent whining tells us about society and internet culture.
I used to watch the original series as a child, when Tom Baker and Peter Davidson took the role, but I’ve never really got into the recent revival of the series. As I’ve mentioned before, for someone with geeky tendencies, I’m not big on sci-fi and fantasy shows (with one exception). I’ll probably check out this new incarnation of the Doctor however. Jodie Whittaker was good in Broadchurch and, if the scripts are decent, I can see her creating an intriguing version of the character.
I was tempted to finish this post with some hot Doctor Who cosplay, but decided that the image below was more suited to this blog. It features the characters Amy Pond, Rory Williams and the eleventh Doctor. I’m afraid I don’t know the artist.
Totally agree. Great picture, too – I’d never seen that before. If Amy and Rory’s sexual relationship wasn’t domme/sub, then it’s very hard to see why they acted their public relationship the way they did. Rory was as sub as they come: proud to stand guard waiting for her for 2000 years, constantly looking towards her for approval before taking action and not averse to receiving the odd slap when he annoyed her, either.
The only slight concern is whether Missy will somehow return. It’s good to have domme hero(in)es, but domme villains are better still…