Trying to dig up dirt dirt on your political opponents is a time honored trick. Liberal Democrat candidate Dean Stone seemed to be giving it a shot when he emailed his opponent to ask if she had ‘anything embarrassing’ in her past. Admittedly, simply asking your opponent to simply volunteer political ammunition is pretty dumb, but at least it follows the basic formula. However, he then decided to give the old storyline a new twist, by sending her a naked picture of himself, partly dressed as a mouse and with a dominatrix. Presumably he thought she might not have been clear what he meant by ’embarrassing’, and thought that a personal example might really clarify his original request.
In today’s climate, it’s tough to set new standards for dumb political decisions. I really thought America had this sewn up. Yet Mr Stone has made a strong play here to bring Britain back into contention. Sadly, despite his cunning plan, he ended up coming 6th out of 6 candidates, so clearly the British voters aren’t on board with this new approach. Maybe he should try giving the White House a call? They seem to like out-of-the-box thinkers who can do exciting new things with social media.
Of course if Servitor had his way, male politicians and voters would be a thing of the past.
Thank you, Paltego. Not my way. Never that. Her way, always and forever and now.
Ah, of course. I should have realized that!
Liberal Democrat candidate Dean Stone is clearly not related to US-based political consultant Roger Stone… unless the plan is so cunning that mere mortals cannot understand it.
Earlier this year a documentary about Roger Stone was made: “exploring the life and career of notorious Republican dirty trickster and longtime Trump advisor, Roger Stone, who helped create the real-estate mogul’s political career.” It is called: “Get me Roger Stone” It’s pretty crazy stuff. The IMDB link:
I’ve been meaning to watch the Roger Stone documentary for a while now. Seems like a fascinating insight into a fairly crazy character. Although I suspect I’ll also find it pretty depressing.
Dean Stone is definitely not related, as his stunts are way to dumb. The fact he came last in the race suggests he has a lot to learn from his American namesake.