I swear a fair amount in daily life. I always find a well placed curse word to be highly satisfying. Typically I never use religious expressions – except when I’m playing. No idea why that is. While I might scatter the odd ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ around my daily screw-ups, bend me over and beat my ass, and suddenly I’m muttering ‘Oh, God’ and “Jesus! That hurt.’
There are probably some deep psychological issue at work here. Possibly having a domme in charge brings the idea of a higher power to mind. In the meantime I should probably avoid playing with committed Christians. They might take offense and beat me even harder, leading to an endless spiral of blasphemy and increasing violence.
This gentleman seems to be invoking an entire pantheon of higher powers. I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for the image.
It’s weird but when I’m being beaten my language suddenly becomes that of a character in an English schoolboy story of the 1950’s. Golly, goodness me and gosh I exclaim, but only of course if my Mistress hasn’t insisted that I take my punishment in silence. I have no explanation for this although I did read a lot of those types of books when I was young (the 60’s).
Just William? Jennings? Famous Five? Swallows and Amazons? Molesworth? There are plenty of famous characters to pick from :). I always enjoyed those stories as a child, although I’ve never felt the urge to regress during a scene. Maybe if I did a proper schoolteacher roleplay I’d pick up on that theme!
Simon did specify schoolboy stories but you could always improvise from this:
Ah, the great Ronald Searle. I did mention Molesworth in one of my earlier comments, which he was also partly responsible for, but St Trinians might actually deserve a post of its own 🙂
All I can say is that I swear like a trooper but don’t use religious expressions much except when in the (non-sexual) company of an actual vicar, e.g. “For God’s sake! Oh, Sorry! God! I didn’t mean….oh Jesus fucking Christ.” They’re usually nice enough to affect not to notice. I was talking to someone else recently who had this problem as well.
Simon: I think I would find that rather endearing.
Ha! That’s funny. The power of the sub-conscious (messing with you). I grew up in a small country village with a C of E church that my parents were heavily involved with, so I can definitely picture this scene. Most of the vicars were always polite to a fault.