If you’re in the New York region and interested in photograph and bondage, then you might want to check out a new exhibit on Nobuyoshi Araki. The NY Times gave it a solid review here.
As I wrote in a post a few years ago, Nobuyoshi Araki was my introduction to bondage as art. Or even just the idea of bondage taken seriously. I stumbled across a documentary on British television on him and couldn’t get over how much effort he put into capturing these beautiful shots of bound women. Something that had always been portrayed as silly and slightly sleazy suddenly looked like fine art. Of course the fact he’s a tremendously talented photographer as well as being kinky as fuck helped with that.
I haven’t featured images of any of his work here because, as far as I know, all the bondage images of a bound women. Instead I’ll share something from Lady Chiaki and Lady Hinako from their LA trip.
I believe, based on the twitter post, the lucky submissive piggy is Stephen Elliot.
It’s definitely time consuming, but there’s just something so incredible about men and rope to me. Intricate shibari on a man’s body is absolutely stunning to look at.
It really is art.
I find it beautiful and creative but, like you say, the time it takes can be very consuming. The feeling of being gradually wrapped and worked upon can be soothing, but only if I’ve got some hours to burn!
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