Welcome to another entry in my intermittent series of posts on submissives as lamps. The series has only had 4 entries in almost 7 years, but that is 3 more than I was expecting. Past examples are here, here and here.
It’s not a fetish I personally get, but it does make me smile. It’s both kinky and surreal. Clearly not widely popular (given that I don’t see many lampshades featured as equipment in play spaces) but it does seem to persistently pop up in kinky imagery. For those that do like it, standby for another entry in the series sometime in 2019-2021.
This is from the instagram of latex.Jacqueline The-ripper.
I just find these hilarious. I’m not even quite sure why. Slightly Pythonesque?
Pythonesque is an excellent way to put it. Surreal and just slightly silly.
My absolute favorite was this one: http://www.femdom-resource.com/2011/08/02/so-im-a-lamp-want-to-fight-about-it/
I think that part of the issue here is the different ways in which photographers seem to treat female and male subjects when it comes to forniphilia. When female models are used, there are often in elaborate poses, with complex bondage ropework. Sometimes, there’s even some purpose built supports to help (e.g. House of Gord).
With male subjects, they tell them to go stand in a corner and stick a lampshade on their head.
I’m sure that it’s possible to do interesting forniphilia photography with men as the subjects; we just need photographers (and supportive audiences) who are willing to invest the same amount of effort with guys as they do with girls.
I’d agree with your general point. There’s typically a lot more fancy bondage and complex forniphilia done with female models rather than male. That’s true for porn in general. i.e. There’s a lot more focus on the female body than the male. But this image actually has a woman sporting the lampshade, so it’s probably not the best example.