I’m fortunate that most of the feedback I receive for this blog is positive and appreciative. That said, there is one singular and common complaint that I find regularly jamming up my inbox. It generally follows the form of – ‘I love your witty writing and insight into kink. But why can’t we have more of it? One blog just isn’t enough! Can you please give us more of paltego?’
I find these kind of complaints somewhat annoying, but I also hate to disappoint anyone. So for this group of totally genuine and not at all imaginary people, I give you a lengthy interview with me on the blog of the fabulous Miss Ava Zhang.
In all seriousness, it was an interesting and enjoyable process to think through the questions Miss Zhang posed, as well as pleasure to hear her feedback. While I have this site as my personal soapbox, I try and keep posts here short and to the point. Writing in more detail forced me to clarify my thoughts and do a degree of self-analysis. That’s probably an exercise I could do with repeating more often.
Miss Zhang is based in NYC, but also tours regularly. I’ve not been lucky enough to session with her (yet!), but based on my interactions for this interview, I think she’d be an amazing person to know and submit to.
I love the blend of elegance, composure and just a touch of fetish in this shot. It’s from Miss Zhang’s gallery page.
I find these complaints unbelievable.
Swear to God! The only type of email I get more frequently than these are the ones from lingerie models taking time off from running their successful winery in order to ask me to be their live in love slave. Those are really annoying. But this type are a close second.
Hi, it’s me again.
First of all, thank you for the wonderful work you do here, it’s my favourite femdom blog on teh intertubes.
Secondly, I paint and draw, and post a lot on Facebook(I know, I know) which is sort of a minimal blog for me, and I get a lot of people saying I should write, make comics, start a proper blog, publish a book, etc, and it seems to be part and parcel of the territory. I find it annoying, but I never respond that way, and, I also take it as a compliment. People are interested, which is nice.
Finally, great interview, very thoughtful and considered.
Thanks. Glad you like the blog and enjoyed the interview. Always nice to get positive feedback!
You must be a pretty decent artist if you get that feedback! Kindness and compliments are not all that common in some online areas.
If I’m honest, this particular post was mostly tongue in cheek. It felt kind of odd to be writing a bunch of stuff here and then point people at even of me somewhere else. This was just my way of poking some fun at myself. I sadly think I’ve had more emails asking for the email address of women in images I’ve featured than I’ve had asking me to write more 🙂