8 thoughts on “Obviously you’re not a golfer”

  1. Quite aside from Ms Warren’s poor technique, she actually seems to be dressed for tennis – with the exception of the hat, of course, which is clearly golfing headgear because it has the word ‘golf’ on it.

    I haven’t been here for a long time, but I happened to notice today how much traffic I still get from this site – so I just stopped by to say thank you for that, and for continuing to post intelligently and very entertainingly about our kink even after all this time. Considering my practically dormant blog, you really put me to shame and in fact you’ve inspired me to go off and get on with some drawing!

    Best wishes,


    1. Hey Underling – Thanks for dropping by! Nice to hear from you again and glad you enjoy the site still. Nice to get positive feedback from any reader, no matter how occasional 🙂

      I still periodically check your blog to see if you’ve posted anything new. Always enjoyed your commentary and your excellent artwork – I even featured some of it just a few months ago – http://www.femdom-resource.com/2017/12/05/the-pleasure-of-play/

      Would love to see anything new you create. And let me know if your blog springs back to life and I’ll add it back to the artist section of my dynamic blogroll.

      And yes, Ms Warren does appear to have some confusion on her outfit. Although given some hideous golf outfits I’ve seen over the years, maybe in this case it’s not too terrible a sin.


    1. Well you can get a free drop for ‘abnormal ground conditions’. If a half naked man under your ball counts doesn’t count as abnormal, I’m not sure what should 🙂


  2. Immediately flashed on my father instructing me to keep my head down. Honestly, Freud would have a field day with all this.

    1. Ah yes. One of the classic phrases for coaching golf. That and ‘keep your eye on the ball’. That’s another one our golfer here seems to have forgotten. Sometimes hitting balls with your big club and then trying to get it in the hole is just a game of golf. 🙂


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