I missed a post to celebrate Star Wars day (May 4th). However, I’m not waiting another 51 weeks before posting this awesome image. So it’ll just have to be a belated celebration post. That’s a pretty well muscled princess and a good looking scoundrel.
I’d love to know where this is from, but unfortunately reverse image searching gives me nothing. If anyone can help me attribute, then please leave a comment.
Updated: Via a very helpful comment (thanks Sam!) I think this is the original tumblr post (complete with extra photos) and the two people are dovemeir and america_young.
“…Awesome image…” , you got that right.
Glad you liked it! Definitely caught me eye 🙂
Female nurfherder or nerfhurdress? Probably the latter. And the nerf doesn’t look too scruffy either … Nice picture. Thank you for sharing.
Wish you all a nice weekend. And remember … Han shot first.
Absolutely Han shot first. I’ve got the original VHS tapes somewhere that prove it :-).
Glad you liked the picture. I’d go with a gender agnostic nerfherder for both of them.
I’ve tracked the image back to this tumblr which links to both cosplayer’s instagram accounts: http://gaynerds.tumblr.com/post/173733559154/genderswap-han-solo-and-slave-leia-cosplay-han
Hope this helps!
Thanks! That’s awesome detective work. I’ll update the post with the appropriate links. Really appreciate this.