I did a pass today across the Femdom Image page and cleaned up all the links that were dead, taken over spammers or hadn’t been updated in many months. My thanks to a very helpful reader who emailed me a number of pointers to those issues on the page.
The next step is to add new and interesting image site links. So if anyone has non-commercial image sites they like and frequent (tumblr or otherwise) then please leave a comment or  email me. I’m particularly interested in ones that focus on male submission. They’re the trickiest ones to track down.
If you are looking to add to your already excellent collection of image sites, let me put in a vote for Badkitty Kat (http://growlbadkitty.tumblr.com/). As a dedicated lurker for several years, many thanks for all the work you have put into creating your own site, which has become my indispensable go-to supermarket of submission.
Thanks for the pointer. I’m sure I used to have that tumblr in my list, but removed it for reasons that are now very unclear to me. Maybe it went on hiatus for a while? Or focused less on femdom? Anyway, it’s a good site, so I’ll definitely add it back on my next refresh of the list. Thanks again for the link and for the positive feedback for this site. Always happy to hear from a lurker – feel free to drop in anytime!