I enjoyed this article on nipples and the pleasures that come along with them. There’s always a lot of attention paid to women’s nipples in porn and sex guides, but I think they’re a much underrated erogenous zone for men.
I have to admit, when I was younger, my nipples did nothing for me. They were like that one useless wall switch that most households have somewhere. Clearly at some point it did something, and maybe it still does, but no matter how often you flick it, you really can’t figure out what its actually for. BDSM changed all that and reworked my internal wiring. I’ve no idea if that change was a result of lots of nipple torture in sessions, a pavlovian link between pleasurable sensations and nipple play, or just being more aware of the sensations in my body, but the end result is a pair of magic buttons that are instant ‘on’ switches for me.
I’ve never managed the pure nipplegasm as described in the article. However, I can edge and then use nipple stimulation alone to push me over the line. The result is a weird orgasm, not quite a full one but not quite a ruined one. It’s a bit like an anal based orgasm – you know some crazy shit just went down, but you’re not exactly sure what. Did I just enjoy an amazing new sensation? Or did I just get cheated out of the real deal?
This image is obviously from the Men in Pain site.
That is interesting. I’ll definitely be sure to put more attention into that area when teasing a potential cuck
It’s absolutely an area that can be cultivated. They might not respond too much initially, but over time the wiring can get created, and it’s a lot of fun once that has happend :-). Hope you get some good candidates to try it on. Sorry to read (in your last post) about ‘Anthony’ and all his issues.
Glad you could stop by to comment.