There’s always something quite satisfying about these moment of impact pictures. It’s like the super slow-mo shots of glass shattering or a water balloon popping. That sense of a chaotic high energy transformation being momentarily captured and contained. Of course, I doubt the person on the receiving end thought about it that way. They were probably more concerned about where exactly the energy was being transferred to.
This is a shot I found from in an old tumblr archive. I’ve no idea where it was originally from.
It’s from a site called Pain Gate which I believe is a Russian site which specialises in pictures of woman being whipped often quite severely. It worries me that 9/10 if I see a picture of a man or woman being punished etc I know where it’s from. I have clearly spent far to long looking at pictures of that nature.
Thanks for the heads-up on the source. I used to be pretty good at being able to remember images and sources, but less so recently. I think that’s my memory getting worse rather than actually reducing the amount of content I look at 🙁 It’s probably not a skill that you can boast about to your friends!