This unusual shot from Mistress Chiaki is all kinds of fun. It takes a moment to orientate yourself to what’s going on. There’s a slave kneeling on the floor by the bed and then two toy bags either side of the bed. I think there’s also a mirror on the right wall, so there’s reflections of reflections.
I’ve played in hotel rooms many times, but I’ve never played in one with a mirrored ceiling. I feel I should add it to my ‘to do’ list, although they seem to be pretty rare in the US these days, even in spots like Las Vegas. Dungeons typically have a lot of mirrors, but I’ve never yet encountered one with a ceiling installation. It seems an odd omission.
You can see more photographs from this particular session at Mistress Chiaki’s blog.
Mirrored ceiling film recommendation : Juliet of the Spirits, Federico Fellini.
Interesting. Not seen that. I’ll look out for it. Thanks!
For those unfamiliar with him, Fellini’s City of Women (1980) is a remarkable study of man’s sexual nature & Feminism’s logical consequences.
But anyhow, I would always be wary of a ceiling-mirror falling on me, haha.