The Huffpost has an article about a woman who discovered BDSM in her 50’s and ended up with a kinky partner twenty four years her junior. It’s a cute tale and I liked the part about their cleverly constructed cover story for how they met.
What I found surprising about it was the idea of being awakened to BDSM late in life by going to a class on it. I absolutely don’t mean that critically. I’m always keen for more people to discover kink and I totally get her attitude of “OMG! I need to try all the things!” when exploring the physical side of it for the first time. It’d be great if more people could be converted to the joys of BDSM via classes. I just find it odd – as someone who had kinky thoughts from a very early age – to imagine being not kinky for decades and then suddenly getting into it. For me it seems like a very fundamental love/hate kind of thing, but obviously that’s not true for everyone.
I’m afraid I don’t know the artist for this drawing.
Update: Thanks to a helpful comment I can now attribute this to the artist Kirsty Whiten.
Nothing wrong with being a late bloomer
The artist is Kirsty Whiten series “Donkey Hostage”
Thanks for the pointer! I’ll update the post appropriately.
Thanks again for stopping by.
Mrs Edge is a funny case. She had little exposure to any of it growing up, and even after she met me, she would roll her eyes at much of it. But once in a while there would be some small aspect that would make her say “Oh, that’s interesting, I need to try that.”
Like you, I knew I was kinky from an early age, so it’s been difficult for me to figure out just what might get her to perk up.
People are funny, right?
People are definitely funny
I guess my own kinks have changed and morphed over the years. So it isn’t too surprising that others might start with almost no kinks and pick a few up over time. But I can definitely empathize with your challenge of figuring out what’ll catch her eye and what won’t. For people born to it, the challenge is normally getting them to shut up about their kinks!