I’ve arrived safely in NYC, despite the winds attempts blow my airplane off course and out into the Atlantic. Good food and much kinky fun hopefully awaits me.
In the meantime, I’ll share a couple of images from Mrs Steelwerks that recently caught me eye. This is one of those kinky devices that pushes my buttons due to the contrasts involved. On one hand there’s the very clinical nature of the device. Steel is hard, cold an impersonal. On the other hand, there’s the warm, wet and intimate nature of its usage. It’s an exciting mixture.
You can see more from this tweet, this tweet, and this tweet.
Will you be visiting Mistresses Tess and Troy Orleans on this visit to the Big Apple?
There is definitely a very high probability of that happening, yes
I can personally attest, as I know you can, that you’ll have great fun with both.