Namio Harukawa

I was very sad to read – via this tweet from Sardax – that Namio Harukawa has passed away. He was one of the great femdom artists. Up there with the likes of Eric Stanton and Sardax himself as an iconic figure in the genre. His style is unmistakable and he leaves behind a huge and impressive collection of kinky work. Thanks for everything Namio. Rest In Peace.

Update: The Team Rinru site (creator of the infamous yapoo market series)  have put up a post featuring their memories of Namio Harukawa. It’s in Japanese, but for English speakers the online translation tools do an OK job. Apparently his works were an early inspiration for the series and he both enjoyed and shared feedback on the movies they created. Doubtless his works will continue to inspire others for many years to come.

Update 2: Sardax has a tribute on his site as has the blogger homer.

If you’re interesting in seeing more of his work, then an image search will return a lot of his drawings. There’s also a number of galleries available here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Namio Harukawa”

  1. So sad to hear about the passing of such a great author who gave me many hours of looking at his Female Dom pictures. I will miss him and his drawings. The drawing you showed of the woman in furs pissing on a mans face and into his mouth was a great reminder of how much i enjoyed and still crave the taste of a woman pissing into my mouth.

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