Unseen Terror

This is a bit of an odd one. I believe it’s a still is from the movie Elektra Luxx. It’s one of those images you can project your own story into. Personally I like to imagine it as a story of modern black magic. He’s been picked up in a bar by a beautiful woman, gone back to her apartment for what he imagines will be hot sexy naked fun and has just discovered he’s about to be sacrificed to one of the old Gods in her spare bedroom. At least that’s my story for it. I’ve no idea what original context was.

That’s Carla Gugino with a naked Vincent Kartheiser.

Author: paltego

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2 thoughts on “Unseen Terror”

    1. Ah, the joys of having no kids. I’ve never seen any of those movies. I didn’t even realize she was the first Silk Spectre from the Watchman movie until I looked her up.


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